Do you know what day is coming?

Saturday 4th July 2015



The equity is the theme chosen by The International Cooperative Alliance and the United Nations through COPAC (Committee for Progress and Advancement of Cooperatives). The slogan adopted for the celebration is:

“Choose cooperative, choose equity”

How cooperatives contribute to improve this aspect?

  • Property of all – The ownership model of cooperatives, has become for them a proved tool of economic and social inclusion. If the cooperativism keeps growing, the inequality will be reduced.
  • Open doors policy- As cooperatives are open to the participation of all, any man or woman, old or young person… can be part of them.
  • Power of decision is independent of wealth – To the extent that each cooperative member has one vote, regardless of the volume of their capital contribution, all have the same power of decision.
  • Equity also means equal access to goods – The United Nations has defined that ensuring access to basic goods and services of good quality, should be a key strategy at the level of each country. A goal which is fully linked with the essential purpose of cooperatives as organizational model.

The cooperative movement presents a unique combination of model with global reach and business conduct focused on people. For this reason, cooperatives contribute to reducing inequality by empowering people offering them a decent and sustainable way of living.

11402997_1023670084318111_3192038357308661294_nAs members of Stowarzyszenia Na Rzecz Spółdzielni Socjalnych (Association For Social Cooperatives), we want to congratulate  this day to all cooperatives with whom we work, and in general, to all persons and entities that have chosen cooperativism as an organizational model where the rights are respected and the social, personal and professional development is a value greater than Mr. capital…


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