“Ecomun2″ A spanish re-evolutionary project

I would like to tell you about  Cooperativa Integral Ecomun2 (Comprehensive Cooperative Ecomun2)A project developed in Malaga in which I participated in before this EVS opportunity appeared on my way.

11096550_700627606737424_8763454733599164236_oI call it “Project” because it was born the last year, 2014, and hasn’t been constituted yet as cooperative legal form.

To get you acquainted with the subject and make you understand this project it is necessary to reply to the question: Why Ecomun2 araise?

Ecomun2 emerged from Jaulas Abiertas-Universidad en Transicion (Open classrooms-University in transition). An educational innovation project that has been developing for over two years in a space provided by the Education Faculty  at the University of Malaga: outdoor  Circular classroom and an edible forest developed in a community and in participatory way, coordinated, organized and energized by Ecomun2’s team and currently, more alive than ever.

The main purpose of Jaulas Abiertas is to train “agents of social change” starting from the creation and dynamisation of micro-communities, spaces, training activities and real learning projects, entrepreneurship and social innovation towards styles of more sustainable, healthy and desirable life.

The development  team of this project wondered last summer… Why not to create a cooperative wich integrates this type of projects in different fields: Education, Society, Communication…?

So now, Jaulas Abiertas-Universidad en Transicion, is one of the projects which Ecomun2 carries out in the field of education.

Ecomun2 is an umbrella organisation which brings together individuals, social initiatives and public institutions in the construction of a fourth sector with common goals: giving strength and life to the damaged Community dimension, cooperatives and collectivization of property, human and intellectual capacity, technological and artistic creations.

All of this is channelled through three main action lines, among which a number of socially productive activities and services can be observed:collage

  1. Comprehensive training program of agents of change for entrepreneurship social leaders and owners community.
  2. Creation of a holding of Cooperatives that allow the training and integration of future entrepreneurs who create at the same time their own cooperatives or social enterprises, sharing the axes for the attainment of a world and society becoming more engaged and sustainable.
  3. Creation of versatile spaces of: Housing, social entrepreneurs, social and community meeting areas (Cohousing).

Currently, Ecomun2 is headquartered in a three-storey building located in the Center of Malaga city, where  its journey begin doing different activities, workshops, and events like for example:

  • Support organic urban gardens
  • “Theatre of the oppressed” showing
  • Dining room with ecological products and local currency
  • Conferences and activities in Jaulas Abiertas…etc

At the same time, they carry out with other associations from Malaga, exchanges programs from Erasmus+: Exchanges for ten days between 25 youngsters from five EU countries.

The purpose of this exchange is to make teambuilding days to provide experience and training on alternative lifestyles and societies committed to social equality and respect for the environment, all contributing to personal development. This exchange will focus (through the accomplishment of diverse workshops, self Collage 2management groups and personal challenges) on:

  • Agriculture and permaculture
  • Self-management of health
  • “ART-ivism” (activism through art)
  • Organization and group facilitation
  • Sustainable economy


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